Wholefood Plant Based Cookery – Sunday 27 July

Spaces: 6

10am to 3.45pm

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Price: £110.00

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Expiry Date: 27/07/2025


If you are already vegan and looking to improve your diet by cutting out processed foods, and eat a wider range of healthy plant based whole foods, this course is for you.

The recipes follow the principles of How Not to Die by Dr Michael Greger, and include tips on how to eat your daily dozen. Explore ways of including more beans and pulses into your meals.

Learn how to cook healthy grains such as buckwheat, quinoa and millet. Take the mystery out of cooking soya products such as miso, tempeh and tofu. The day is a mixture of demonstration and practical hands on cookery, with plenty of time to sample the results.

All of my courses are vegan. If you are new to cooking, or are a new vegan, Meals in Minutes is a better starting point.

  • "I enjoyed the food tasting! I’m not adventurous with tofu or tempeh but feel I will be after today."

    - Susan

  • "Amazing day. Fantastic food. Lizzy is great teacher who enthuses knowledge and passion for vegan food"

    - Michelle