Picnics and Packed Lunches – Thursday 28 August

Spaces: 6

10.30am – 1.15pm

Book Your Place Now

Price: £70.00

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Expiry Date: 28/08/2025


This course will provide lots of inspiration for healthy plant based packed lunches and picnics. Save money and cut down on packaging by making your own healthy packed lunch.

The morning is a mixture of demonstration and practical hands on cookery, with plenty of time to sample the results.

Explore vegan sandwich ideas, and make some bean pates. Rustle up some salads with tasty grains.

Sit down to enjoy the results at lunchtime or pack it up in a lunchbox and head to the Malvern Hills for a picnic.

All food is suitable for vegans.

  • "Good to have some new ideas for lunches, a change from sandwiches."

    - Neil